
ㅤThe product is based on an aqueous colloidal solution of leonardite enriched with a unique complex of biogenic meso-, micro- and ultra-micronutrients chelated with citric acid. Leonardite is one of the most effective humic sources in the world. The main difference between leonardite is the high biological activity of its molecular structures due to the optimal ratio of humic and fulvic acids.
ㅤHumic acids (HA) increase the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils, i.e. the ability of the soil to retain nutrients and also, as an excellent natural chelating product, they accumulate microelements in forms that are easy for plants to absorb. The humic acid content of ECO AGRO-WIN is 24%.
ㅤThe many negatively charged anions of humic acids attract and retain in the soil numerous positively charged cations of microelements, such as calcium, ammonium, magnesium, iron, etc., which are beneficial for plant development. This function of producing chelated cations results in a significantincrease in yield for humic acid.
ㅤHumic substances increase the capacity of cation exchange, increase the agronomic value of the soil structure and improve the water-air regime, thermal properties, and soil buffering.

ECO AGRO-WIN is a complex bio-organic fertilizer in the form of a liquid concentrate, created using innovative technologies of ECO AGRO-WIN production. It is used for seed treatment, spraying plants during the growing season, as well as for restoring soil fertility.




ㅤThe product is based on an aqueous colloidal solution of leonardite enriched with a unique complex of biogenic meso-, micro- and ultra-micronutrients chelated with citric acid. Leonardite is one of the most effective humic sources in the world. The main difference between leonardite is the high biological activity of its molecular structures due to the optimal ratio of humic and fulvic acids.
ㅤHumic acids (HA) increase the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils, i.e. the ability of the soil to retain nutrients and also, as an excellent natural chelating product, they accumulate microelements in forms that are easy for plants to absorb. The humic acid content of ECO AGRO-WIN is 24%.
ㅤThe many negatively charged anions of humic acids attract and retain in the soil numerous positively charged cations of microelements, such as calcium, ammonium, magnesium, iron, etc., which are beneficial for plant development. This function of producing chelated cations results in a significantincrease in yield for humic acid.
ㅤHumic substances increase the capacity of cation exchange, increase the agronomic value of the soil structure and improve the water-air regime, thermal properties, and soil buffering.

ECO AGRO-WIN is a complex bio-organic fertilizer in the form of a liquid concentrate, created using innovative technologies of ECO AGRO-WIN production. It is used for seed treatment, spraying plants during the growing season, as well as for restoring soil fertility.


ㅤHowever, as soon as the minerals fuse with the fulvic acid, they become bioactive and chemically available to the plant. The biogenic micronutrients in the preparation provide a synergy of positive effects of all ECO AGRO-WIN components on plants and soil.

ㅤFulvic acid increases plant metabolism, improves root development, and, like humic acids, increases nutrient uptake and retention and increases cation exchange capacity (CEC). Without the help of fulvic acid, larger molecules would not be able to pass through the plant cell walls. 

ㅤFulvic acid — is a naturally occurring acidic organic polymer. This means that it is not a single molecule, but a combination of many different molecules with similar chemical properties. The content of fulvic acid in ECO AGRO-WIN is 17%.


ㅤIn addition to the traditional microelements (Fe, Cu, Mn, Co, Mo, Zn), the preparation contains such elements as I, S, La, Ni, V, Ti, Se, Ge. Almost all of these microelements, when they get into plants, are included in the active centers of enzymes responsible for the intensity of metabolic processes. These microelements directly activate the processes of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by plants.



It has been proven to affect the growth, development and productivity of many crops, including potatoes, cotton, sugar beet, sunflower and vegetable crops. Iodine is involved in regulating the action of enzyme systems and increases the stress resistance of plants.


In plants, it promotes the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen, as well as the further utilization of oxygen. It provides oxygen transfer to plants, improves immune status, and has antiviral activity.


The use of selenium reduces the negative impact on plants caused by moisture deficiency and activates the processes of flower bud formation.


Catalyzes the processes of biological nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis and respiration. Increases the activity of catalase and nitrate reductase, one of the key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism.


Participates in nitrogen metabolism and its biological fixation. It helps protect plants from pests and systematically increases the ability of plants to resist diseases.


It activates seed germination and photosynthesis, increases the physiological activity of the root system, increases the grain content of cereals and rice. Increases biological activity of soils, in particular, cellulose decomposition.


 The main role of titanium in plant life is to stimulate pollination, fruit set, and accelerate their growth. Titanium enhances plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. It increases the intensity of photosynthesis and the absorption activity of the root system.

The combination of physiologically active humic acids, fulvic acids and a unique microelements complex in one preparation results in high efficiency of the preparation for a wide range of crops.

ㅤThe product also increases the resistance of plants to phytodiseases, water and temperature stress, and increases the content of agriculturally beneficial microflora in the soil by 3-7 times.

ㅤIt should be noted that citrate chelates of biogenic microelements freely and quickly penetrate the membranes of intracellular organelles and are actively involved in the synthesis of enzymes that catalyze all plant metabolic processes. Citric acid is a natural compound useful for plants that is also involved in carbon metabolism.

ㅤAn important effect of the product is the activation of key enzymes under its influence, as well as an increase in the acid production and absorption functions of the root system by more than 30%. This helps to increase the solubility of phosphate fertilizers and soil phosphates in the root zone, which stimulates and activates the processes of biological nitrogen fixation, and, combined with an increase in the absorption capacity of the root system, leads to a significant increase in the availability and uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by plants.

 (in pre-sowing seed treatment and plant nutrition during the growing season)

Results of ECO AGRO-WIN application

by 35-44%

by 50-60%

from 11% to 14%

removal of phosphorus from the soil by grain increases

removal of nitrogen from the soil by grain increases

finish the protein content in the grain

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Application to select the fertilizer formulafor your soil


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+48 453 500 410


